A basic game

In this sushi-card, we're going to create a simple game. The game goal is to get as many points as possible. When eating cakes, you get points. When eating a poisonous cake, you lose :(

Introduction to Love2D

Love2D is a multiplatform, open-source engine to create games. It'll also introduce how to make simple graphics to use in game.

Checklist based on the "game-design" sushi-card

  • A character : the cake-lover !
  • A theme : Food !!
  • Obstacle : the poison X_X
  • Controls : by keyboard
  • Surprises : that's a challenge for you ;)


Install Love2D which is our game engine.

Installing Love2D


Love2D provides installers from their website.


Depending on your distribution, it may be packaged using apt-get install love2d If it's not available as a package, you'll have to build it. Precise instructions are described on their wiki. After installing by running love2D in your console with love, you should see the following screenshot

(Optional) Installing Piskel

If you which to create your own character, it's recommended to install Piskel. You can get the installer on their website. All images provided for this sushi card are accessible as .piskel format so you can modify them. This is not required, if you have access to internet you can also use the online version.

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